New ADS-B Advisory Circular

FAA has updated AC 90-114-Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Operations. just as the ADS-B mandate becomes effective at 0001 local time on 2 January 2020.

This advisory circular (AC) provides users of the NAS guidance regarding how to conduct operations in accordance with §§ 91.225 and 91.227. The appendices in this AC provide guidance for additional operations enabled by ADS-B, including ADS-B In…This AC contains an overview of the ADS-B system and general operating procedures in compliance with the airspace and performance requirements of §§ 91.225 and 91.227. The appendices provide guidance on additional ADS-B Out and ADS-B In operations that may be authorized by the Administrator.

The AC provides detailed information about many topics, including:

4.1 General Operating Procedures
4.2 Operator Familiarity of the Installed ADS-B System
4.3 ADS-B Equipment Operations (U.S. Airspace)
4.4 Flight Plans (FP)
4.5 Preflight Requirements (U.S. Airspace)
4.6 Flightcrew Entry of Required ADS-B Data

The AC also discusses issues associated with aerobatic and formation flights, the ADAPT process for applying for exemptions to the ADS-B requirement, and other details not provided in the previous edition.

VFR Landing at KPWT

Here’s a VFR approach and landing at Bremerton National Airport (KPWT) across Puget Sound west of Seattle. KPWT is a non-towered airport, so pilots self-announce their positions and intentions on the common traffic advisory frequency (CTAF) assigned to the airport.

You can learn about the recommended procedures for operating at non-towered airports in the U.S. in Advisory Circular AC 90-66B: Non-Towered Airport Flight Operations.

More details here at BruceAir: Operations at Non-Towered Airports.

Lincoln Departure at KBFI

Air traffic control has revised the Lincoln Departure at Boeing Field (KBFI) in Seattle. It’s one of the VFR procedures used at to provide an orderly flow of traffic below the Seattle Class B airspace and to avoid TCAS alerts in airliners descending over KBFI into KSEA.

As noted below, the initial altitude on the Lincoln Departure (which may be renamed the Vashon South Depature) is now 700 ft. MSL.

The Lincoln Departure almost always begins from runway 14R. It now requires a climb straight ahead to 700 ft. MSL, then a level 180-degree turn into a close-in right downwind over the Duwamish River, remaining at 800 ft. As you approach the South Park Bridge, almost abeam the control tower, turn left toward a school bus parking lot and parallel the main streets that head west over the ridge. As you reach the ridge, climb no higher than 1000 ft. Continue on a track between the north tip of Vashon Island and Blake Island. When you cross the SEA 323 degree radial, you can climb to 1500 ft. At the shoreline, you can continue to 2500 ft.